Vibration Monitoring
ACS provides simple and easy to use vibration monitoring services for construction and pile driving projects as well as bridge and structural monitoring. Equipment allows sample rates of up to 65 kHz.
Monitor Options

ACS provides both On-Site Active monitoring and Remote Monitoring. On-Site involves a qualified technician who handles and operates the monitors as needed and is perfect for short term jobs such as pile driving.
Small, portable, waterproof case with solar panel
For long term jobs, remote monitors can be rented for extended periods of time for a flat monthly fee. Each monitor features Auto Call Home for automatic reporting. This allows non-stop monitoring with zero dead time.

Customers can have the monitors professionally installed or can choose to do it themselves with instructions provided.
These monitors come in two types of cases. The first are small portable waterproof cases that are usually used for short term projects or inside buildings where space is an issue. The second type are large, secure metal cases, which are tamper and weather resistant and perfect for long term outside jobs. Each monitor can be powered using either solar panels or an A/C power supply and each monitor can be outfitted with an audible alarm and strobe lights to provide instant notification of vibration exceedance.
Automatic Reporting

The auto call home feature for remote monitoring automatically sends out an email with the maximum levels registered in a set time interval along with a PDF report from the same interval. In the event of an exceedance, clients will receive an immediate email with histogram plots detailing vibration levels up to the point of exceedance, as well as a waveform plot of the actual exceedance showing when exactly the exceedance occurred, and its size and duration.
For a PDF of the sample vibration monitor plot, please click here.
For a copy of ACS’s information brochure regarding vibration monitoring, please click here.