Cross-hole Sonic Logging (CSL)
ACS, Inc. provides CSL (Cross-hole Sonic Logging) services. CSL is a non-destructive test, using sonic pulses to evaluate concrete quality and detect defects in drilled shafts or slurry walls. The result consists of logs of wave velocity and integrity, which correlates to concrete quality. ACS has provided cross-hole sonic logging services for a range of clients and projects for over twenty years.

The testing procedure consists of two probes being pulled through tubes that have been installed in the pile. The tubes usually start a few inches from the bottom of the pile and continue up through the concrete to ground level. The tubes can be either PVC or metal, and are spaced around the outside of the rebar cage. As the probes are pulled through the tubes, one emits a sonic pulse that is received by the other. Using the time it takes the pulse to reach the second probe, as well as the strength of that signal, the concrete integrity between the two probes can be assessed and analyzed.
ACS also offers the option for clients to request Tomographic analysis of previously obtained CSL results. Tomography offers a more in depth view of any anomalous material detected in the CSL analysis, and how much it affects the pile. To read more about tomography please click here.
ACS performs Cross Sonic Logging according to the ASTM D6760 test standard.
For a PDF of the sample CSL results plot, please click here.
For ACS’s information brochure about CSL and Tomography, please click here.